Meeting my partner’s ex-girlfriend.

Meeting my partner’s ex-girlfriend.
It started out as hints about how he would like to meet his son by an ex-girlfriend. I thought it was a great idea as I would hate my children not seeing their dad. His ex lived away but I encouraged him to write to her about meeting his son. Little did I know at the time it was so he could try to get cheaper child maintenance from her and not actually meeting his son.
A few months later we had a phone call asking if his son could write to him before meeting him. She sounded nervous on the phone but we agreed to allow him to write. We had a few badly written letters but the child seemed sweet but scared. I did most of the reading of the letters telling my partner what to write. I could tell my partner did not want to write back but I put it down to his lack of conference in writing skills. I still wanted to believe he wanted to meet his son.

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So I thought…

As a woman of God and His masterpiece,  because we all are,  I fare to be a compassionate, loving soul, who finds very little fault in everyone, inclusive of my husband. I say “my husband,” because we have yet to be divorced: God’s holding the pen — thus,  making him suffer a little longer (big Kool-aid smile).

For so many years, I did  what I wanted to do and did it, without any remorse whatsoever,  ever so fearful  of My Heavenly Father…always in the back of my mind. As much as I love the sun, hell is no place for me. I’m just trying to ‘Walk by Faith, and Not By Sight;”  walking with The One, who has brought me this far.

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That song has helped me through a million seconds of my life when I thought I couldn’t make it.

If you met me, you’d never guess what I’ve been through and I try to keep up appearances. The other day, I took my son to the park down the street. I was proud of myself for not having to use my GPS; I’ve been to that park several times and I am self-proclaimed “directionally challenged.” I still sometimes drive right past my own house and if you really want to get even with me, all you’d have to do is drop me off in the middle of nowhere because I have no concept of survival. I was stuck in the middle of being a hover parent and letting my two year old hang out with the girls swinging on the big girl swings. Continue reading


The mind is a powerful tool. It takes you to heights unknown, and leads you on many journeys. I have a poem that reads: “Children Learn What They Live,” (by Dorothy law Nolte); I’ve had it on my refrigerator door for the last 22 years; it was my mantra, when I was raising my son. As children, we mimic our parents and everything that goes on in our home stays in our home. We believed that we had normal lives until… the bomb set off! Continue reading

The Inquisition

The inquisition. We’ve all been there, right? Have you asked the right questions of him yet? Of yourself? Do you think that you have put enough effort in your relationship or marriage yet? Is it affecting your children? Has it already starting to affect them? Read The Five Love Languages together. Continue reading